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Strawberries & Cream Overnight Oats

Perfect for the human-on-the-go, this recipe takes just minutes to prepare and is a sure way to set you up for success. With protein, fiber and fat, this easy recipe provides the nutrients you need to energize your morning.


½ cup oats
½ cup 1% milk
½ cup strawberries, fresh or frozen, diced
1 tbsp ground flax meal
1 tsp maple syrup
¼ tsp cinnamon

Directions: In a 12 oz jar, combine oats, milk, strawberries, flax meal, maple syrup and cinnamon ,then mix until well combined. Cover tightly and refrigerate overnight.

Prep: 5 minutes

Chill: 8+ hours

Nutrition per serving: 325 calories, 8 g total fat, 1 g saturated fat, 6 mg cholesterol, 57 mg sodium, 53 g carbohydrate, 9 g fiber, 15 g protein

Chef's Tips:

Try switching it up with peaches, strawberries, blueberries, nuts or nonfat Greek yogurt. Frozen fruit works great for this recipe as well; simply substitute the fresh for frozen fruit!

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