Nurses at Missouri Baptist Medical Center are helping transform health care. Through our Clinical Learning Institute, our nurses train to become some of the most advanced nurses in the industry. We offer externships, evidence-based research fellowships, nursing certifications, an RN-to-BSN program and academic partnerships for BSN and MSN degrees – all right here at MoBap.
Everyone practices to their fullest extent because our nurses at all levels have a voice. Every role helps establish the structures and processes we practice. Our Professional Practice Model, which shapes our care delivery, includes seven committees that nurses can join.
Evidence-based Practice
At Missouri Baptist Medical Center we combine compassionate care with evidence based practices and frontline research to bring the best to our patients. According to professional nursing and organizational standards, all nursing care is to be based on evidence, so it is essential to have nurses proficient at searching for evidence and synthesizing it to make recommendations for practice.
EBP Fellowship
Starting in 2008, Missouri Baptist chose to prepare nurses to use Evidence Based Practices (EBP) to help others learn through an educational program. The program in 2009 and 2010 resulted in presentations at professional conferences by all 15 participating nurses.
The program has expanded to become the EBP Fellowship. This fellowship prepares bedside clinicians as experts in EBP and system-wide change agents for its advancement and sustainability.
Participants have a “hands-on” experience from clinical question to practice recommendation, in a mentored, guided manner to improve patient and unit outcomes.
Collaborative Nursing Faculty - Staff Research Grant
Missouri Baptist Medical Center is proud to offer a research grant targeted to support research projects that have a significant potential to impact the clinical care of patients. The program seeks to establish collaborative research partnerships between doctorally-prepared nurse researchers and nursing staff at Missouri Baptist Medical Center. Supported research projects have a significant potential to impact the clinical care of patients.
Interested faculty will be co-principal investigators with MBMC nurses and will mentor project staff in the research process. Proposals are accepted throughout the year.
Learning Resource Center
3005 North Ballas Road
St. Louis, Missouri 63131
Phone: 314-996-5803
Fax: 314-996-6909
Hours: 7 a.m.-7 p.m.; Monday-Friday
Located at the south end of the Institute building, the Learning Resource Center offers use of books, DVDs, online reference materials, computers, & printers. We are proud to share our space with the library for the Goldfarb School of Nursing.