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Support for New and Expanding Families

As part of Missouri Baptist Medical Center's ongoing commitment to provide resources to moms before, during and after birth, we have formed a variety of classes and support groups. These forums help moms recover from childbirth and promote a healthy, happy time with their newborn.

"Whether the transition to parenthood is smooth, or if there are challenges, we continue to partner with new moms through the early weeks and months of parenting," said Emily Petersen, RN, BSN, nurse manager prenatal education & lactation. "This continuum of care helps ensure that moms, babies and families have the best outcomes as they grow."

Fourth Trimester Class: Baby Blues & Beyond

Becoming a parent is a significant moment in one's life. On top of the physical demands are emotional changes that come with the new role. Feelings of stress, worry and exhaustion are not uncommon during the postpartum period, also known as the fourth trimester.

On consecutive Wednesdays, health therapy specialist Shellie Fidell, MSW, LCSW, facilitates a group series focused on this common experience.

Shellie incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, peer support and self-care methods to provide support for women experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety or panic episodes. As part of a cohort, classmates get to know one another in a supportive, nurturing environment.

"The Fourth Trimester class is incredibly special to me. We've created a small, intimate and safe, psychoeducational group, where moms and babies can come together to gain important information and share their experiences,." Shellie said.

Fourth Trimester Classes

Breastfeeding Support Group

On Thursdays, new and experienced mothers (with their babies) meet to discuss different aspects of breastfeeding.

"This support group is for lactating moms who are breastfeeding, doing a combination of pumping and breastfeeding, or breastfeeding and supplementing with formula," said Emily. "No matter how they are nourishing their infants, everyone's welcome."

Sessions are led by an international board certified lactation consultant who answers questions and guides the discussion. These get-togethers help mothers boost their confidence and develop their breastfeeding skills so they can reach their goals.

"My favorite aspect is the confidence each mom gains as new friendships are formed," Emily said. "If one mom is having a problem, other moms share what works – or doesn't work – for them. There's a real collaboration amongst the group."

If a mom is experiencing a more significant challenge that can't be addressed in a group setting, a lactation consultant is available to connect them with additional outpatient resources.

Moms' MoBap Morning

This "new mother" support group meets each Tuesday morning to talk about newborn care and adjusting to life with a new baby. Every session is led by an experienced pre- and post-natal educator who helps new mothers gain confidence and skills as they journey through the early weeks of early parenting.

"This class covers a wide range of topics such as taking care of yourself, playing with your baby and getting out the door," Emily said. "As a new mom these activities might seem like insurmountable challenges, and we are here to help ease the transition."

For more clases, including Sibling and Grandparents classes and CPR for Families and Friends, visit MoBapBaby.org/Classes-Support

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